আব্দুর রাযযাক বিন ইউসুফ-বইসমুহ

by IHB App House

Books & Reference


Abdur Razzak bin Yousuf is a very familiar name among the Bengali speaking people of the Indian subcontinent. He is popular islamic scholer of Bangladesh for few people. Because he follow ahle Hadis. He has walked all walks of life in all fields of service, including lectures on the Quran and Sunnah, writing Islamic books, teaching, editing magazines and managing various institutions including madrasas.Books written by Abdur Razzaq bin Yusuf in the light of Quran and Sahih Hadith -1. Chapter on Rasul (pbuh) Dua in Law2. ideal family3. ideal man4. ideal woman5. Advice6. Death will come one day7. Speaker and Listener Identity8. Can Tafsir be false?9. Who is the big gainer?10. Who is the greatest sufferer?11. Tawzihul Quran